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Adapt convex rings are used to fill irregular folds in the peristomal skin in order to create a flatter surface and prevent substances from passing under the support.
They can be cut and overlapped and are available in round or oval versions.
They create moderate convexity when combined with a flat support or deep convexity when combined with a convex support.

Adapt Plane Rings are used to fill in peristomal irregularities to create a flatter surface and prevent substances from passing underneath the substrate, which can lead to leaks.
They can be stretched, cut, adjusted, flattened and overlapped.

Based on silicone, Adapt Medical Adhesive Removal Spray facilitates the removal of the skin
protector and adhesive residues on the skin.
Guaranteed 50 ml: thanks to an innovative pressurization technology, this spray optimizes packaging volume and limits waste. In addition, it does not cause a cold or stinging sensation, even on injured skin.

Adapt paste is used to fill in peristomal irregularities to create a flatter surface and prevent substances from passing under the substrate, which can lead to leaks.

This powder absorbs moisture from the peristomal skin, allowing better adhesion of the support and facilitating the healing of the skin.
Skin with lesions or irritations should be examined by a health care professional.

This elastic waistband can be used with eyelet pockets. This means all Conform 2 pockets.
It gives confidence because it holds the device flat on the abdomen.

This rigid clamp is used to close the bottom of a drainable pouch that does not have an
integrated closure or the bottom of a colostomy irrigation sleeve.

The pocket is part of a 2-piece system: a support that is glued on the abdomen and a pocket that fits over the support.
The closed pocket is designed to be removed after use.
These pouches are mainly suitable for colostomies. The Conform 2 closed pouch with a QuietWear coating significantly reduces the friction noise of the pouch against clothing and facilitates the lowering of the stool into the pouch.
The integrated filter AF300 allows a progressive release of gases while ensuring the deodorization of the pouch.

Compliance 2 emptying pockets – Lock’n Roll clamp, integrated filter
The pocket is part of a 2-piece system: a support that is glued on the abdomen and a pocket that fits over the support.
The pocket to be emptied is designed to be emptied from the bottom.
These pouches are mainly suitable for ileostomies and colostomies with liquid stool. The Moderma Flex emptying pouch has an integrated Lock’n Roll clamp that is safe and easy to use thanks to its self-gripping villi on the closure flap that interlock with each other.
The AF300 integrated filter allows a progressive gas release while ensuring the deodorization of the pouch. The beige ComfortWear coating offers more comfort.

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